Thursday, January 29, 2009

Art & Fear, Part 1

Is there a particular statement in the first half of Art & Fear that especially speaks to you? Which one? Why?

Please respond by noon Monday, Feb. 2.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Writing Routines

Do you have a writing routine? Go to the link "Writing Routines" below. Read a few descriptions by authors of their writing routines. Now briefly describe your own. If you don't have a routine, do you see any advantages in developing one? Please respond before noon Thursday.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Riis's Pieces

From whose point of view is "Abe's Game of Jacks" primarily told? (Mark on the handout the places or passages where this point of view is evident.). What other points of view come into play in the story? (Mark and label these as well.)Please respond before noon on Monday.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Goals & Objectives

Describe in a well-written paragraph your biggest or most important goal for your writing this semester. What is it you wish to work on or improve in relation to your writing? How do you propose to accomplish that?