Friday, April 24, 2009

The Legendary

Two poems -- including one constructed from students' comments on this class blog -- have been published in The Legendary and can be read here:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Piece fo Advice

Coop Renner, the highly skillful editor of the superb literary zine elimae, offered me this advice to share with you. His heartfelt words are well considering:

Probably one of the very hardest lessons--certainly a hard one for me--is not to write for success, but to write to accomplish what they want to accomplish. If they can begin to see what it is that they imagine for themselves--do they want to create a new form of lyric? do they want to ruminate on their own psyches? do they want to be the Anthony Trollope of the 21st century?--then they can begin to write for the writing itself, rather than for the presumed career success, publications, prizes, acclaim, etc.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Before class this Thursday, please post a link to the publication to which you plan to submit your story as well as a brief explanation as to why you think it's a good fit.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Captain Is Out to Lunch. . . .

Please remark before we return from holiday break as to which of Bukowski's observations on writers and writing resonate most with you and why. If you wish, you can also comment on his writing style, which has been widely imitated.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Comics Journalism

Please describe the links, if any, between comics journalism and literary journalism. Is it possible to consider comics journalism a subgenre of literary journalism? Why or why not? You may -- in fact, should -- refer to my essay on Joe Sacco in your response, which should be completed by class Thursday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Barrage of Images

Please fill out the similes below by noon, Thursday, March 26 -- and try to have some fun doing it:

as hot as
as cold as
as dark as
as loud as
as silent as
as happy as
as sad as

a nose like
a voice like
a face like
a smell like
a blue like

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some Dreamers Never Wake Up

What did you learn from Joan Didion's "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream" about writing in general or telling a story in particular?

Respond by noon Monday, March 23.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


George Orwell's journalistic essays have been described as having a "you-are-there" documentary feel. Identify at least one technique or characteristic of his writing in "Marrakech" that, in your own opinion, contributes to this effect.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Please respond by start of class this Thursday to the observations from an acquaintance of mine, Adam Penna, poet, writing teacher and editor of the zine Best Poem. This is an opportunity, as midterm approaches, to reflect on what we're doing in class and why:

I've found that the best and only way to teach writing is to begin to redefine for my students what it means to write. I spend a lot of time defining terms. Essay = to try; revision = to re-see; research = to look again. For me writing and the teaching of writing are opportunities to listen to oneself talk. Usually, the consequence, for those who are willing to listen, is the realization that they haven't been paying close attention to what they say. Once they begin paying attention inevitably many of the mechanical irregularities improve. And paying is the important term here, considering that it implies a metaphor most people understand. That is, care = time and time = money. Further, I steal an equation my former mentor taught me, which is care = talent. Or, rather, talent is a way of caring, as he put it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Begin in the Middle. . .

What does the first sentence or three of your story look like? Imagine this is a trailer for your story -- what would it show? Everyone should read everyone else's and feel free to offer criticism, advice, and encouragement. I know I will.

Please complete this by class on Monday, Feb 23.

Remember when I say "begin in the middle," what I essentially mean is "begin with a grabber."

Monday, February 9, 2009


Baed on your reading of "The Scum Also Rises," what are some of the defining characteristics of Gonzo journalism? Please respond before class on Thursday.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Write a Story (Originally published in The Rose & Thorn)

Begin in the middle
with the screams

of something burning,
then insert nightfall

and a trail of bread crumbs
the crows will maliciously eat.

It’s important that there be
lost children, but the search dogs

should be tired, or even better,
dubious, and with no way

to stop the bleeding
in the region of the brain

that controls our tears.

What, according to this poem, are the key components of a well-written story? Does your projected story incorporate any of the components? Respond by noon, Monday, February 9.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Prince of Hyperbole

Someone (me) once wrote that H. L. Mencken believed that "Nothing succeeds like excess." Identify a passage in "Deep in the Coca-Cola Belt" that supports this statement. Does Mencken's penchant for hyperbole aand exaggeration detract from or enhance his standing as a "factual" journalist in your eyes? Respond by noon Thursday, Feb. 5.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Art & Fear, Part 1

Is there a particular statement in the first half of Art & Fear that especially speaks to you? Which one? Why?

Please respond by noon Monday, Feb. 2.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Writing Routines

Do you have a writing routine? Go to the link "Writing Routines" below. Read a few descriptions by authors of their writing routines. Now briefly describe your own. If you don't have a routine, do you see any advantages in developing one? Please respond before noon Thursday.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Riis's Pieces

From whose point of view is "Abe's Game of Jacks" primarily told? (Mark on the handout the places or passages where this point of view is evident.). What other points of view come into play in the story? (Mark and label these as well.)Please respond before noon on Monday.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Goals & Objectives

Describe in a well-written paragraph your biggest or most important goal for your writing this semester. What is it you wish to work on or improve in relation to your writing? How do you propose to accomplish that?